Croydon Council Update on public disorder and unrest across the UK

Update: 10:40pm – Tuesday 6 August 2024

Croydon Council are aware of rumours circulating online about reports of attacks in Croydon tomorrow (Wednesday 7 August). We want to confirm that our position remains the same – that at this time there is no police intelligence that we will see violent activity in Croydon. However, we must all remain alert, vigilant and report any issues to the police.

When going about your day, you may see more police officers in your local area. If anyone is concerned, has questions or needs help, please speak to them. They are there to help.

We will continue to work with the police who are monitoring the situation. The police have also given assurance that if anything were to change, they have plans in place.

Joint statement from the four political parties of Croydon Council on public disorder and unrest across the country

“We, the representatives of the four elected political parties of Croydon Council have come together to say we are shocked and saddened to see the recent media coverage of public disorder and unrest across the UK.

Whilst we respect the right of anybody to peacefully protest, we will not stand by and allow violence, intimidation or any other form of criminal behaviour. In Croydon, we have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime.

We are working closely with the Police and at this time there is no intelligence that we will see protest activity in Croydon. However, we must all remain alert, vigilant and report any issues to the Police.

We are proud of Croydon and its diversity and the maturity of the relationships between our communities. Our diversity is our strength – and we know how our communities come together in times of need. Nearly eight out of ten residents have told us that they feel they strongly belong to their neighbourhood, and that Croydon is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together.

Now is the time for us to support each other, stand together and support our Croydon communities.”

Trading Standards – Holiday Driving Tips

It is that time of the year again when we all look forward to our holidays, but some planning can ensure that all aspects run smoothly, particularly if travelling abroad.

Having arrived at their destination, many tourists pick up a car for all or some of the holiday. Convenient as this is, potential traps lay in wait, of which the earliest may be as a result of a delay in your flight, in which case some companies may charge for late pick up of the car or worse, give your car away, and then charge you for the higher “walk-up rates”.

To try and avoid these surprises, make sure to include your flight details and pick-up time when you book, so the staff can anticipate delays. It’s also a good idea to directly inform the rental company if you know you’ll be arriving late.

The next minefield is insurance. Although in Europe, car hire should always include the basic cover of damage, theft and third-party liability, there is invariably offered an extremely high excess fee which hirers hope will encourage tourists to take out the extra travel insurance.

However, while in Europe there’s no legal requirement to buy extra insurance, and you can get your own excess insurance from a third party instead. There are various specialist insurers in the UK who will offer these policies, but just make sure that they cover all eventualities.

When you are arranging to hire a car, look for hirers offering full tank on pick-up, with full tank on drop off. With petrol stations invariably in the neighbourhood of airports, this by far both saves money and prevents disputes with potential penalties, as compared with, for example, empty to empty.

It is, however, disputes over supposedly damaged cars which often lead to a sting in the tale at the end of the holiday. Most hire car companies these days give consumers a report on the condition of the car, itemising all scratches and dents. There is usually a hard copy, although many companies send it digitally to your email address. Make sure that you have looked at this and agreed the condition before you set off.

If there are problems, they invariably occur when the car is dropped off, usually at the airport. Ideally, the car should be checked in your presence to agree any issues. In practice, issues such as busy car hire locations and time pressures to catch your flight, mean that often there is practically no ability to do this. In some cases, if you are dropping the car out of hours, then it is impossible to do so.

As a minimum, make sure you have videoed the condition of the car before you leave. This is particularly important if you are unfortunate enough subsequently to receive an email from the hirers claiming that the car has been damaged whilst in your care. Some companies may try and charge for alleged dents and scratches (when, often given the condition of the car when picked up, indicates that they have no intention of repairing the car).

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to challenge these claims and the previous routes available when the UK was in the EU are no longer available. However, you should contact your card company making them aware of the issue and that you wish to challenge the claim. Often, online reviews of a business may show similar complaints by other consumers to support your contention.

Further advice can be obtained by emailing

To report a suspected crime, or if you have fallen victim to fraud or cyber-crime, contact Action Fraud via its website or by calling 0300 123 2040.

80th Anniversary of the Bombing of St John’s Primary School

This year signifies the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, and the events of the Second World War have been in our thoughts recently.

The 26th of July also marks 80 years since St. John’s Primary School was bombed in the Second World War.

One of our committee members was a child at the school during that period, and you can read their memories of the event on our Stories page. It is an interesting insight into the hardships faced during a period that should never be forgotten.

Urgent Appeal after Patient Absconds from Mental Health Facility

Mr Ariba was last seen on Sunday morning

Police are urgently appealing for help to find a man who has absconded from a mental health facility in Beckenham, south London

Abderrahmane Ariba, 30, was last seen at about 09:30 BST while he was on an escorted walk.

Mr Ariba may have travelled from the facility in Beckenham to Marble Arch then Croydon where he was last seen.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to locate him.

He is described as 5ft 5ins tall and of large build.

When last seen, he was wearing a blue polka dot T-shirt, black tracksuit trousers and black trainers.

Members of the public are advised not to approach him.

Anyone who knows of his whereabouts is urged to contact the force and for an immediate sighting call 999.

Trading Standards – Protecting Your Money On Holiday

At this time of year we all like to think about being on a sunny beach with your loved ones around us far away from home and the worries of everyday life. Holidays should be a wonderful part of our life. However experience tells us at Trading Standards that it can all start to unravel even before we are near the airport lounge.

With the demise of the traditional high street travel agent booking your holiday is now a process most of us do ourselves online. This can be confusing with so many choices of places to go and traders to book with, and this can be the time it all starts to go wrong and unravel without us knowing about it. However, there is good news, there are two simple rules to make sure that any worries you have are to do with meeting the baggage limit and not losing everything before you get there.

First of all, let us introduce you to two organisations and what they do.

The first is the Association of British Travel Agents known as ABTA and then the Air Travel Organisers Licence known as ATOL.

ABTA provides protection that if your travel company goes bust, you’re entitled to your money back and this includes any accommodation costs. If you’re already on your holiday, your passage back to the UK will be protected. This means that if anything happens before your holiday you get your money back or if you’re already there you can relax and know that the important things are covered.

ATOL protection covers you before and during your trip. When you purchase a trip that is ATOL protected, you will receive an ATOL Certificate. It will show you who and what is covered, as well as provide guidance on what to do if your travel company stops trading as an ATOL holder. We recommend that you always keep a paper or digital copy of this certificate saved with you. The scheme is designed to reassure you that your money is safe, and will provide assistance in the event of an ATOL holder failure.

However you book your holiday make sure that whoever you book it with is either an ABTA or ATOL member so you will be setting off on the right foot. Doing this will protect you and your money and let the only worry about your upcoming holiday be getting your choice of bucket and spade in your baggage.