Mayor of London
LAND4LDN – Call for Sites

Have you got a site suggestion for land that could come forward for development?
We want to hear from you!
What is LAND4LDN?
- London’s land supply program harnessing digital solutions to manage land supply for the future delivery of housing across the city
- Streamline the planning process through enabling all planning authorities across London to share a single data set
- Help inform the London Plan and evidence base for local plans
- Facilitate collaborative efforts in shaping London’s future
What are we doing and why?
London is under pressure to deliver more housing. To do this, we need to understand what sites are coming forward over the next 5/ 10 years, and what needs to happen to bring them to deliver homes for Londoners.
The Call for Sites submission service makes it quick and easy to contribute to the next Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), and the LAND4LDN platform provides new functionality for boroughs to share the same data set and manage land supply information.
All of this is a crucial process in producing the SHLAA, enabling planning authorities in London to identify land available for future housing development. Landowners, developers, planning consultants, and members of the public are invited to submit sites they consider suitable for new housing projects. The submitted sites are then reviewed and assessed for their suitability and viability for development through the SHLAA conducted with local planning authorities.
The data collected is vital for informing the London Plan and forming the evidence base for local plans, ensuring a more effective and streamlined approach to planning for London’s future housing delivery. This is now a joined-up approach – sites that are not submitted through this process, are unlikely to result in allocations in local plans.
Learn more here and submit your site
Closing Date: 11.59pm – 30 November 2024