Update to 395 Addiscombe Road Planning Application

An update to the planning application to build 9 four-storey flats and a GP surgery at 395 Addiscombe Road by demolition of a 2 storey building.

There were over 200 objections online and by post (the number of objections could easily have doubled this figure but not everyone got around to objecting to Croydon Council). You can view the MORA objection here.

The application will be heard by the Planning Committee in due course. However, there is a backlog of cases, only two meetings per month with meetings between 25 August and most of October cancelled or postponed. Agendas are posted online on the Wednesday in the week preceding the meeting on the Thursday. We don’t get much notice to request to attend.

I will post again when there is more information.

Thank you all for your support.

– Addiscombe and Shirley Park Residents’ Association (ASPRA)